Monday, 11 April 2016

Printing with jasper soft ireport version 5.1 - Part 2

In part i had shown you how to install and make database connection with local database.

Now, i'll show you how to actually work with this tool.

Run Jasper and click on file from menu bar click on new that will open up a below screen.

Select which ever report want to create and click Launch Report Wizard in my case i have created Blank A4. Give your report a name and location where you want to store it click next.

Now you need to write your query or you can load your query if you have saved on local machine.
Make sure you have chosen a correct data source else it will give an error.Report will be created now.

You can check in Report Inspector(left Side) your fields will be appeared.(Columns of query you have selected at creation of report).

(If you can not see Report Inspector then click on Windows from Menu bar and at bottom you will see reset windows click on it restart your tool)

It will look something like below.

Click on Windows from menu bar click on palette where by you can select report elements to use in page.

On next part we will discuss how to actually use this Elements.

if you have any query you can comment below.

Twitter : pranav

Thank you.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Printing with jasper soft ireport version 5.1 - Part 1

Lately i was working in Jasper report so its time for me to share my experience with particular tool.

I did use Xsl-Fo for printing as you can find post here Print from local - xsl-fo

Limitation of using Xsl-fo is when you try to use your local Language fonts in printing(pdf) it will give you something like this ### instead of you'r actual character.

Let's begin our Jasper Report Journey.

First of all you need to download jasper from Jasper Tool.

After successfully downloading it just unzip it you will see the following structure.

Click on bin folder and click on ireport(application).

First thing first we will create report data source

Click on blue round and it will open connections/datasources. We can create new datasource connection-type and.

From above list you can select any datasource connection you want and click next.(be careful what you are selecting)

Give you'r datasource a name. Select JDBC driver you wanted(if you are using Oracle(oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver) and its in RED color format then you need to download war file and upload it in appropriate directory.(restart your ireport tool and you will see RED format colour is gone.
(put file(ojdbc6) in Drive:\iReport-5.1.0\ireport\libs)
Download it from here :ojdbc-for oracle driver

You can give a name to Database Connection.Select jdbc driver from give list of values.
Using JDBC URL you can connect your database environment to ireport tool
Replace  below lines with given data
@localhost = your hosting enviornment and database name = Schema name

It's time for testing connection if you inserted all data correctly then you are good to go.

I followed : Dietmar Aust

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